
Monday, July 25, 2016

Challenge One: Me Against Myself

Retaining an aura of implausible commitment, Ashley Yarwood strikes a chord among all women in the first hand exposé of her remarkable weight loss journey. She happens to be the very connoisseur of fitness, who unravels all mysteries behind weight loss. What she does not seem to do, however, is get embroiled in relinquishment and subsequently, let her lassitude overpower her mindset. As she turns the spotlight from her fears onto her strengths, it becomes conspicuous to all readers that she is a calm spirited and poised young girl. Her poignant reminders of the past will probably leave you in tears, but will urge your sense of devotion to rise up your spine. Recapitulating her story is cumbersome, for the number of pointers and tips she gives are mind baffling. In her attempt to unravel the truths behind innumerable paradoxes and move on from being an introvert to an extroverted introvert, she hopes that you continue to read her story till the very end.


In my most positive ever temperament, I find it noteworthy to mention my very recent admittance to the fitness fanatical community. Inexplicably, I cannot express the radiance on my face everytime I feel fit as a fiddle. The overwhelming feelings stemming from within seem to strengthen my will and passion to achieve the unachievable. On the off-chance, however, I will try not to complicate the revelations that made me the epitome of health and fitness. Once again, I am grateful to all of you for having read this far, and hopefully what comes next will leave you speechless and aghast, yet yearning for answers.

As astonishing and perplexing as it may be, I have always been the bigger friend in a group of friends. I guess I just took it upon myself to accept that unfortunate, yet realistic fact. I might have been in a spot of bother at some point, but nonetheless, it's profoundly vanished today. It did challenge me at some point, because watching all my thin and slim friends seemed to affect me in some way that I remain oblivious to. I reached a point where I had become an introvert, wanting to keep away from people. It was only until the September of 2015, that I discerned and despised the uncomfortable change in my body. Transformation seemed to be a strenuous task, but was inevitable. Besides, who says that reshaping thyself is undesirable? Serenity is paramount in a knotty situation such as this. 
Thus began my journey of commitment and conscientiousness. I wanted a change, and wanted it fast. I started counting out my calories and going to the gym as much as I could at a very slow pace, owing to about a three-four days per week. Ofcourse, the gym equipment is addicting, isn't it? So, the pace speedend up, and I began to workout perhaps five-six times a week. The oblivity of the topic at hand still remains to be the time that has to be sacrificed from work in order to cater to the needs of oneself's health. 

During the course of my venture, I discovered a workout program through beachbody called P90x3. It brings the task of working out for thirty minutes a day, for about ninety days, into your schedule. Providentially, this program fit into my schedule so elegantly, that I cannot express my elation. I currently use this program and count my calories daily, just as I mentioned earlier. I do not hesitate to do a bit of cardio here and there, to burn some extra fat from the body. Look at what I have achieved today; I have lost a total of 28.1 pounds and about 30 inches, by virtue of following this routine righteously.

It isn't a needle in the haystack to pick out the perfect programs for weight loss, neither is it incumbent to embrace it arduously. Just keep your focus in the right direction and don't let anything come your way, not even yourself. I plan to keep preserving and reaching out to my new goals. If I have reached this far, in a matter of a mere few months, then so can you. Again, I must not hesitate to mention that I have not exactly told you about my diet plan. Eat right, and eat healthy. Excess of everything is bad, and excess of junk food or processed food is disastrous. Keep your cheat days limited to once or twice a weak, where you can eat all you want. But, neither should you overdo anything, nor should you overeat anything. Do not consume more than a packet of chips, by merely craving for the flavor post having one. Likewise with other junk food. If you wish to get in touch with me and find out more about the tricks that got me into the perfect shape I am in today (elated), you can reach out to me on Instagram

Posted by Ashley Yarwood

Stay tuned for more fitness tips! #gettheMURPH

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