
Sunday, July 17, 2016

Tiffany's Story: A gift of the gab

To Tiffany Mooneyes, a young, captivating and alluring girl, weight loss seemed to be an Achilles heel. She happens to be the very pre-eminent paragon who proves righteously that by her incredible, yet incredulous gestures, she can unring a bell. The unvarnished truth, however, remains to be that such a contented, adventurous and outgoing girl surpassed all triumphs upon the dawn of a mere unimaginable realization. Her story is bound to be told to the world, for she sets the benchmark high for every woman out there, striving to take care of herself. Her manifest charm and proven ability gave her the strength and power to get a grip of herself and orchestrate ideas in a sequential manner. Read on to find out more about her story! 


So, I'll avoid getting off-track (just realized that much has been spoken about music and travelling!), and tell you about what you ought to do to get into the perfect healthy shape. First and foremost, CUT OFF on all junk food. Trust me, it does more harm than good. It perhaps will be tough at first, but the results will be enlightening. Don't let yourself consume any junk food on a non-cheat day (hoping that you have just one cheat day per week, which you should!). And, not to mention, exercising is a must. I needn't stress much on that since you all know, you have to WORKOUT to get fit. 
I have always been a jolly, adventurous and outgoing girl, loved by all. I invariably feel that I have nerves of steel, but prefer to keep a low profile. Ostensibly, the rationale is still hidden behind the curtains and kept away from the world. Here out my cock and bull story, as I attempt to rack my brain.

In July 2015, I found myself to be 26 years old and standing on a weighing machine at 400 lbs. The observation was inconceivable and it took me for a blow at first. I am out of words to explain my personal trauma, but will best try to convey my story to you. I wasn't living the life I had imagined, and that issue had to be taken care of. 

It seemed like a needle in the haystack to find the most productive workout schedules, diet schemes, and perhaps everything related to fitness. Change was arduous, not just physically, but mentally as well. Physiologically, I changed my mindset and outlook to what was happening to me. I modified and altered all my day to day routines and norms. Progress was slow, but seemed perceptible by my change of thoughts. My body was changing, and changing for good. I put my feet down and promised to myself that I would cut off on all the unhealthy food that I once upon a very long time, enthusiastically consumed. Fitness was paramount and I was ready to go through all the hassles of getting into that perfect shape. Again, I must mention my goal was not just to become thin, it was to become strong (just as I feel right now).

My zeal and zest was always directed towards making music. I was and will continue to be a fervent musical fanatic, apart from the fitness fanatic that I have become today. I somehow seem to conglomerate my thoughts better when I listen to music, and hum to it. Musicians will know. This has been the beacon of change in my life. My positivism stems from the harmonious tunes and sounds that I listen to all day, and look at what I have achieved today. I stand tall at 226lbs, and have successfully reduced 174lbs. You will perhaps not comprehend the foods that were cut out from my routine, perhaps everything that all normal people consume without the slightest of ideas about the physical implications it has on their bodies. 

Apart from my avid passion for music, I want to travel the world. Lets not remain oblivious to one fact, I don't want to achieve that dream living in that previous body. Good old fashion healthier eating and being more active, has assisted me in being where I am today. I have honestly never been happier! I hope to encourage and inspire someone out there with my journey and guide them to never give up. The pain was indeed excruciating, but not physically, rather mentally. In the end, hard work paid off, eh?

I would love for you to reach out to me if you need any assistance in achieving your goals. Much has not been mentioned here, but in reality I would love to share every little detail and aspect of my weight loss journey. You can reach out to me on Instagram.

Posted by Tiffany Mooneyes

Stay tuned for more fitness tips! #gettheMURPH

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